Online moral policing goons target actor Joy Mathew

His picture of himself visiting Down Town restaurant drew abuses

Update: 2014-10-28 05:32 GMT
Bea Joy was born on Nov. 11 at an improvised clinic at Tacloban airport. Photo: AP
KOZHIKODE: Actor Joy Mathew has become the new target of the moral policing goons in the state. Joy Mathew’s facebook Page has been flooded with abuses and vulgar comments after he posted a picture of himself visiting Down Town restaurant to express his solidarity for them against the attack by Yuva Morcha activists. Comments even questioned why Joy Mathew had to visit the Ice Cream parlour in Kozhikode and to express his solidarity. Many even passed lewd comments at the actor’s family. 
Joy Mathew’s FB post ‘ Down with moral fascism. My solidarity to the Down Town restaurant Kozhikode’ attracted as many as 742 comments and most of them were abuses by those who advocate moral policing. Many of Mr. Mathew’s supporters have chipped in with tit for tat replies to the abusers. The post had been liked by 15, 224 people and was shared by 630 FB users. 
Annoyed by the online fascism of moral goons, Joy Mathew posted a reply condemning the attack and declaring that he was going to start a regular column on his facebook page exposing all those users who had posted vulgar and abusive comments to his post. In his post Joy Mathew said, “Friends, I have a democratic right to take my own stand on the incident at Down Town and to express it.
I use my own FB page as my space to express it. So I want to introduce all those sexually oppressed persons who without invitation came to my page and posted vulgar and idiotic comments on my page to my beloved and socially responsible friends through a column on my FB page. You can read their name, facebook address and their comments on this page in the coming days. Is it wrong on my part to expect that someone who is close to these persons intervene quickly and avail them medical treatment for their mental illness after seeing them on my page?”

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