Barack Obama may help Indian illegal immigrants
President resorts to executive action to declare row-hit immigration policy;
By : DC Correspondent
Update: 2014-11-21 02:20 GMT
Washington: The US President, Barack Obama, will unveil his long-awaited immigration plan, changing rules governing deportations that could affect millions of undocumented immigrants, including 4,50,000 from India.“Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken. Unfortunately, Washington has allowed the problem to fester for far too long,” Obama said in a video posted on Facebook on Thursday.
His orders will allow up to 4 million undocumented immigrants of the 11 million to get temporary work permits and provide relief to another 1 million through other means.
According to Pew Research Centre, those from neighbouring Mexico are to benefit the most as they account for the maximum number of illegal immigrants. Over 4,50,000 unauthorised Indian immigrants live in the US, constituting four per cent of the total illegal immigrants in the country. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Obama’s executive actions will give illegal immigrants a line to come forward, be recognised, and get in the system.
In confirming his intention to act through executive order, Obama also threw down the gauntlet on Wednesday to his Republican opponents in a Congress that has failed to pass broader reform legislation.
The president did not reveal details, but officials have suggested his order may give undocumented parents of children born in the US greater protection from deportation proceedings and allow them to travel legally. White House wanted to pass a broad immigration reform package that would offer a path to citizenship for young migrants.