No specific tax exemption for companies' CSR expenses: Government

This is the first year of implementation of CSR by companies under the Act

Update: 2014-12-05 16:15 GMT

New Delhi: The government today said there isno specific tax exemption on expenses incurred by companies under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.  

The new companies law, which came into force from April   1, requires certain class of profitable corporates to shell   out at least 2 per cent of their three-year annual average net   profit towards CSR works. " specific tax exemption has been extended to  expenditure incurred on CSR," Corporate Affairs Minister, Arun Jaitley said in the Lok Sabha today.  

However, he said that several activities that are part of   Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, already enjoy exemptions under the Income Tax Act, 1961.   These activities include contribution to Prime Minister's  Relief Fund, scientific research, rural development and skill   development projects. Schedule VII of the Act pertains to CSR.  

"As regards contribution made by companies under CSR   towards Swachh Bharat and Clean Ganga, no specific tax   exemption has so far been made," Jaitley said in a written   reply.   Responding to a query on whether the government has taken   note of private sector companies trying to evade CSR on one pretext or the other, the minister said that information with   regard to compliance would be available only after September   2015.  

"This is the first year of implementation of CSR by companies under the Act. Information on compliance by companies in this regard will be available only after   statutory annual returns on CSR are filed by companies, including private sector companies, which are due after  September 2015,"   

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