Government school maths teacher slaps girl

Student suffers seizure after corporal punishment

Update: 2015-01-08 04:21 GMT
15-year-old Narmadha suffered seizures after been slapped by maths teacher

Namakkal: In yet another instance of continuing corporal punishment in schools, a Class X girl of a government school suffered seizures after she was allegedly hit by her Maths teacher near Namagiripettai in Namakkal district. The 15-year-old Narmadha, daughter of farm labourer Suresh, is studying in the government Adidravidar residential school at Mullukurichi in Namakkal district. On Wednesday morning, the Maths teacher SelvaKumar allegedly slapped on her cheek she had not done her homework.  Narmadha told reporters that she was slapped by the Maths teacher.

The teacher is said to have beaten all the students who failed to do their homework. Narmadha who suffered three injury marks on her cheeks, winced in pain and curled up on the classroom floor. Immediately, she is said to have suffered seizures. The school teachers rushed her to the government primary health centre, where she was given first aid. Later, she was taken to a private hospital for treatment.

When contacted, the government primary health centre staff said the girl was brought with injury marks on her cheeks and after suffering seizure. “After we gave first aid, the girl was taken to a private hospital,” the staff said. Meanwhile, the Revenue inspector Pavithra, Village administrative officer, Srinivasan held an enquiry with the Maths teacher.

However, the school headmaster Jayaraman claimed that Narmadha frequently suffered from fits. She suffered seizure out of fear when the Maths teacher scolded her for not doing home work. About 425 girls study in the Adidravidar school and most of the children suffer from anemia and malnutrition, the headmaster said.

The CEO of Namakkal district, S. Gopidas, said the education department officials were holding enquiries with the school students and the staff. The school headmaster has stated that the girl was not beaten by the teacher. “According to the headmaster, the girl fell on the desk, got hurt and suffered fits. We are probing the issue,” the CEO said.

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