Members worship each other at penis temple in Canada

The temple worships the Greek God of fertility

Update: 2015-03-31 14:31 GMT
Statue of Roman fertility god Priapus
Sprituality and love go hand in hand and the Temple of Priapus in Montreal is an example of that. According to Huffington Post, the pagan temple began in San Francisco in the 1970s as a tribute to Priapus, a Greek god of fertility and the son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.
Since then, temples have opened in other cities, including Montreal, where David Francis Cassidy has served as Temple Pontifex since the early 1990s.
"The Dickumentary" which has been recently released, features the phallic temple and its worshippers. The Facebook page goes on to detail " Cultures have worshipped it, and circumcised it.Men have sought ways to make it larger. Across 14 countries, featuring interviews with more than 40 experts, ‘The Dickumentary’ tries to answer some of the greatest questions of our time, like: What happened to Jesus’ foreskin? Why do Hindus worship Shiva’s lingam? And, does size really matter?" 
The temple's website however is graphic and claims says the male sex organ is holy and that at least four hours a week should be devoted to masturbation or assisting others towards that goal. 

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