Brain activation a hoax, say rationalists
Children trained by institutes fail when put to test
Kozhikode: No parent would deny their child a chance to get trained to enhance their memory power, concentration and other skills. There are training institutions which offer such training including blindfold reading, identifying the colour and texture of materials using such techniques.
However, the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations warned parents against such institutions stating that the techniques were not genuine but pure magic.
Countering the move, one of the institutions also came up and demonstrated the skills of students at a press meet.
Both groups on Sunday had a face-off at K.P Keshava Menon Hall in the city where the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations demonstrated how blindfold reading was done and the science behind it.
The demonstration was led by noted rationalist Narendra Nayak. Though the parents along with children whose “mid brain had been ‘activated’” by the training were present , the students miserably failed to take up the challenge when Narendra Nayak asked them to read after covering the eyes.
The rationalists also explained how reading was possible with eyes covered and demonstrated it using children. Though the people from training institutions tried to defend themselves, they could not do it successfully. For many of the questions asked, there were no clear answers from parents of children who were trained in the institutions.