Hyderabad mosque to provide bathing service to dead

First-of-a-kind facility at Masjid Tek;

Update: 2015-06-14 01:22 GMT
The facilities at the Ghusul Khana-e-Mayyat

Hyderabad: The managing committee of the Masjid Tek at Nampally has decided to provide the facility to wash dead bodies within the mosque premises. It will be a free-of-cost facility extended to all deserving Muslims. The committee has constructed a ‘Ghusul Khana-e-Mayyat’ with modern facilities for washing and shrouding of bodies before they are taken to the graveyard for burial.

Muneeruddin Muqtar, the president of the managing committee, said, “Many Muslims are not able to perform the Ghusul (washing of the dead body), for their near and dear ones when they die, at their homes due to lack of space. In many apartment complexes, other residents raise objections. In such circumstances, it becomes very difficult to wash the dead bodies.”

The committee decided the construct a Ghusul Khana for such people. Akbaruddin Owaisi, the MIM floor leader in the Telangana Legislative Assembly, along with several prominent Muslim scholars and religious leaders, inspected the Ghusul Khana on Saturday and praised the mosque committee for providing the facility. Mr Muqtar said that it is a first-of-its-kind facility in the city.

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