Quasi Modo, a 10-year-old mutt, was crowned this year’s World’s Ugliest Dog in Petaluma, California.(AP)
People usually think their dog is the cutest, but these owners are gladly showing off the unique looks of their pets.
Grovie is a 10-year-old pug that also participated in this unique competition. (AP)
Pork, a 13-year-old Chihuahua, gets some unwanted attention from a rival competitor. (AP)
One the contenders - Boolah, a 17-year-old, was spotted wearing a doggie diaper. (AP)
SweepeeRambo is shown undergoing a a vet check before competing. (AP)
Sweepee who won the runner-up award, is a 16-year-old Chinese Crested. (AP)
Icky, a 6-year-old Chinese Crested dog, shares a kiss with owner Jon Adler before the competition. (AP)
Peanut, a two-year-old mutt won the title last year. The World's Ugliest Dog stands as a testament that all dogs do not have to meet standards to be man’s (or woman’s) best friend. (AP)
The pit bull-Dutch shepherd mix -- whose spinal birth defect left him a little hunchbacked -- and his owner reportedly received $1,500 prize at the contest. (AP)
Meet this year's leading contestants for World's Ugliest Dog