Kerala Govt offices ‘function’ as mark of respect to Abdul Kalam
The district collectorate in Ernakulam also remained functional
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM/KOCHI/ALAPPUZHA/KOZHIKODE: As a tribute to the late President Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, many Government offices functioned across the state on Sunday. Major offices which functioned in the capital city were Kerala University library, Kerala State Chalachitra Academy and Kerala State Health Services.
Kudumbashree and Kerala State Women's Development Corporation offices worked all over the state. Directorate of health services had a record attendance which showed more than 60 percent of employees attending office.
K. S. Padmakumar, senior grade clerk in the general auditing department of health services, told DC that he felt proud to work on a Sunday as a mark of respect to Dr Kalam.
“I have not been feeling well for the last three days and am on a high dose of antibiotics. But today I was keen to report for duty as a tribute to a great human being,” he said.
Usually Kerala University library is functional on Sundays from 2 pm to 8 pm. But they decided to keep the library open from 8 am.
The district collectorate in Ernakulam also remained functional. All officers in the collectorate took part in the gesture to follow the vision of the people’s President. The district collector said that 92 percent of the employees were present.
In Alappuzha, K C Venugopal MP inaugurated a condolence meeting held at the collectorate as part of additional day functioning. G Sudhakaran MLA presided over the meeting.
State water transport department staff in Kochi attended offices on Sunday as a mark of respect to late Dr. Kalam. Usually on Sundays, boat jetties of SWTD used to wear a deserted look but it was all alive and active this time around.
“All the staff including cleaning staff reported for duty today. Usually the staff except the boat crew would be having holiday on Sundays. We didn't expect such a response on requesting the staff to come to office on Sundays,” said Joseph Xavier, traffic superintendent.
Government offices in Kozhikode did not show much enthusiasm to the appeal except Kozhikode Corporation.
But the 40 corporation officials who attended today utilized the time to complete the voters list.