IICT working on new types of edible oil

The IICT is looking at creating a blended oil which is nutritious in all aspects

Update: 2015-08-29 07:13 GMT
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HyderabadIndian Institute of Chemical Technology is working on creating new blends of edible oils so as to create a balance between different types of fats and acids in them.
Central government rules currently prohibit less than 20 per cent use of any single type of oil in blended edible oil. The IICT is looking at creating a blended oil which is nutritious in all aspects.
Edible oils contain saturated fats, Mono Unsaturated fats Poly Unsaturated fats comprising Omega 6 fats and Omega 3 fats. All these should be had in the right proportion in the edible oil. Experts were speaking at the National Conference on Vegetable Oils and Fats at the IICT in honour of the retiring chief scientist Dr R.B.N. Prasad.
Former National Institute of Nutrition director Dr B. Sesikeran said, “Relative intakes should be one third of saturated fats, one third MUFA and one third PUFA. At least 20 per cent of the PUFA should be Omega 3 while remaining can be Omega 6. But no single oil can provide all the different types of fatty acids in the desired proportion.”
Most commonly consumed sunflower oil contains 12 per cent saturated fats, 22 per cent MUFA, 62 per cent Omega 6 PUFAs and no Omega 3 PUFAs. In fact, very few oils provide Omega 3 PUFAs. “Fats are in fact required for good health. Eskimos never get heart attacks because they consume equal amounts of Omega 6 and Omega 3. Indians take more of Omega 6 and very less Omega 3. Replacing saturated fats with PUFAs reduces risk of cardiac diseases lowering bad cholesterol levels and also triglycerides.”

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