Now, operate your handsets from the back panel
Tech companies are continuously concentrating on innovative ideas
Smartphone covers often provide a satisfactory rugged protection to your handsets, especially if you are born with 'butterfly fingers'.
Smartphone companies are continuously concentrating on improving the operating system, camera specifications and UI of its handsets. Allowing users to control handsets from the back panel seems to be quite an innovative idea. The newly unveiled HandyCase, by HandyScape, allows you to tap and swipe your mobile from the back panel, without obscuring the screen with their hands.
As soon as you attach the case to your phone or tablet, you can interact with your phone by using all fingers from both hands. Interestingly, this fancy looking HandyCase is also powered by a ‘see through’ technology. Media reports also state that its sensor also offers a stable touch-interaction with up to 10-registered contact point.
The HandyCase is basically a KickStarter project and is designed for iPhone 6/6+, iPad Mini and iPad Air. HandyCase will be available in four colours - neon green, pink, gold, and silver.
Watch the HandyCase in action: