Samsung working on an 11K display for smartphones

The aim for the high resolution and ppi 11K display is to deliver a glassless 3D effect

Update: 2015-09-19 12:54 GMT
Depending on the screen size and ratio, a typical 5.75-inch screen size with a ratio of 16:9 would have a resolution of a whopping 11264 x 6336 pixels, squeezing in almost 2250 pixels in a single square inch (representational image)

You think Sony did a great job with shoving a bizarre amount of pixels into its 4K display Z5? Well, think again. While a 2K display is now becoming a norm and a 4K screen on a smartphone seems to be the next phase, Samsung is planning a huge leap for their future devices. According to ET News, Samsung has been getting an investment of a whopping 26.5 million dollars from the Korean government for developing the displays. The Korean tech giant has been challenging itself to develop a super-resolution display with a 2250 ppi panel. This will be almost three times the resolution that is already in existence. The development process has already started with various firms around the world.

‘This business is part of GiGA Korea’s business that is being led by Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP), and name of the project is EnDK. It is predicted that prototype can be shown to the public at 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics at the earliest,’ reports ET News.

The aim for the 11K display is to deliver 3D effect because of the high resolution and ppi. Samsung has already shown off the 8K televisions and Sharp is reportedly shipping their first 8K televisions starting early 2016.

Depending on the screen size and ratio, a typical 5.75-inch screen size with a ratio of 16:9 would have a resolution of a whopping 11264 x 6336 pixels, squeezing in almost 2250 pixels in a single square inch.

We too are thinking about what we going to watch on an 11K display when a 4K display today has limited content. The amount of data required for watching the content will be huge and the data throughput from a wireless network may not be able to match the same. However, since the technology is presently far from reality, (at least till 2019), we should probably see a bump in network speeds and also storage space by then.

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