Retired colonel alerts NIA of daughter's plans to join ISIS
Increasing cases of young men and women being radicalsied by the ISIS are coming to the fore
New Delhi: Breaking stereotypes, a retired Indian Army Lieutenant Colonel has approached the National Investigation Agency (NIA) with a complaint that his 'Hindu' daughter, has ended up being radicalised by the ISIS after her trip to Australia for post-graduate studies.
According to reprots in the Indian Express, the girl, in her mid-twenties, is a graduate from a reputed college in Delhi University and had been on a three-year post graduate study. After her return, the Colonel stumbled onto some comunication on his daughter's desktop that linked to the ISIS and immediately sought the NIA's help to counsel and de-radicalise her.
The organisation referred the case to the Intelligence Bureau (IB) which has already held a few sessions with her.
Investigations suggest that the young woman might have been in touch with alleged IS recruiters and planned to convert, following which she would travel to Syria through Australia and join the terror outfit. The IB sleuths have already held a few sessions with her.
Increasing cases of young men and women being radicalsied by the ISIS are coming to the fore, with a recruiter Afhsa Jabeen, beign held in Hyderebad. Afhsa and her boyfriend Salman Mohiuddin were reportedly set to marry in Dubai before they went ahead to join the ISIS.
In another incident, a group of ten youths were deported from Saudi Arabia for alleged ISIS links.