How to mark WhatsApp messages as favorites
WhatsApp has updated the app with a feature to mark messages as favorites
WhatsApp, the most used chatting application for mobile phones is just shy of reaching the 1-billion-a-month active user mark. The development team is constantly in the software kitchen cooking up features and testing them out to satisfy the user and keep the money coming in. with features such as read receipts and voice calling, WhatsApp is getting better by the week. Now, WhatsApp is testing the new beta version with an option where users can mark messages as their favorites.
WhatsApp has released the beta version which includes the option to mark one or many messages as favorites. Since you are reading this article, you may already be using WhatsApp and know that each day you are sifting through tens and hundreds of messages from friends and colleagues. However, when the time comes to find a particular message, photo or video, you are left with no option but to search for the particular keyword and then start hunting around for the desired one. Well, searching for text is still easier, but what about the photos and videos? You cannot search for them using a keyword?
That’s where WhatsApp’s new feature dives in. each message you read, you have the option as marking it as a favorite. By pressing and holding on the particular message, you can mark the same as a favorite from the options that comes up. Once marked, these messages are automatically listed in the favorite messages list. From the menu in WhatsApp, you can hit the favorites option and see all the messages you marked as favorites in a single list. Be it text, photos or videos, you can see them all in that list. To remove a particular message from the favorite list, you simply long–press on it again and unmark the star.
To download the latest WhatsApp for the star feature, click here.