People change their partners: Sooraj Pancholi
Sooraj does not believe in romancing in real but enjoys romancing on screen.;
Now, at the age of 29... Sooraj Pancholi feels mature. But sometimes this young lad feels he is still 18 or 19 years old … Sooraj at this juncture of his life has surely understood that family comes first and during bad times the family stands behind you and gives the rock solid support that one may need. Also he feels there can be no professional friends in this industry. Sooraj does not believe in romancing in real but enjoys romancing on screen andthus opted for his latest video,’ Dim Dim Light … Read to know more. In a brief chit chat Sooraj Pancholi answers a few queries.
So what mental changes does Sooraj see in himself?
Yes, I have matured over the years. But sometimes I still feel I am 18-19 years old. You know, I really do feel from inside I have turned more mature-looking at life in real-who is there for you? How the industry works? Looking at the fact, that there will be no one except your family during your not so good times,
I have realiszed that family comes first.
Does Sooraj not like to romance in real?
“Yes, I prefer romancing on reel. This is my second music video first was video which I had done with Jacqueline Fernandez proved to be a great hit.
Now is the generation of digital platform, tik-tok and instagram. I think now a day’s creating Videos’ is totally different industry and different career all together. Music videos are doing 100 plus that is a lot. Just music gave me a call... Jacky Bhagnani – asked me to do a song. I thought this was a cute romantic song… this is a song that girls can always sing to a boy and vice versa. So I took up this project. Also because romance happens in, Dim-Dim Light, so I chose it. Also it’s better to keep working rather being free.”
Lastly, What is your take on relationships,
Today everyone changes. People change their partners like they are changing clothes. It’s very common now. You can rely on your family, especially parents only. Especially your mother and then your father too.” He concludes.