Melissa McCarthy's experience with ghosts!
Melissa McCarthy opened up about her real life experience with paranormal activity.
In an interview with Sun Times, Melissa McCarthy, who stars in Ghostbusters, opened up about her real life experience with paranormal activity. She said, “It was when I was 19 and living in Boulder, Colorado, in an old house with a bunch of pals. There were like a million of us,” adding, “We were back in college. The day we got the house, I stormed upstairs and grabbed the attic — and claimed it for me and a couple of others. I thought I was very clever, because I stole the biggest room, and there were only going to be a couple of us up there. Well, this will teach you about being pushy. As each of my friends went up there and said, ‘Uh, I don’t think so. It’s weird up here. It’s very weird.’ Suddenly, I sensed it, too, and wanted to move back downstairs into one of the other bedrooms, but everyone said, ‘Oh no! You enjoy it up there with all your new friends who are from another realm!’”
“What’s funny, is that every time anyone came to visit, they’d sense it too. They felt the strangeness. It wasn’t exactly menacing, but you definitely could sense the presence of some kind of spiritual activity. It was palpable,” she revealed, reports