Sai Pallavi, a powerhouse of talent
By : BVS Prakash
Update: 2024-12-12 06:04 GMT
Actress Sai Pallavi has been scaling new heights as a performer in the last few years."Her performance in Amaran as lover turned wife of an army man was a classy one. It could go down as one of the best performances in her chequered career,' says a producer and adds, "Sai Pallavi is staying ahead of her peers by doing roles with substance and avoiding the temptations of doing cliched glam roles despite being offered big sums in Tollywood."
He claims that the Fidaa actress is following the path of talented actresses like Jayasudha and the late Soundarya who relied on their histrionic skills over skin show and yet made their mark in Tollywood. "For an actress to get a meaty role in Telugu movies is difficult. However, Sai Pallavi held her own and mostly picked interesting roles to showcase her subtle and realistic performance in films like "Love Story,' "Premam, and as an innocent village girl who sets out to find her lover in forests in Virataparvam. While her dancing skills in songs like Saranga Dhariya and Pilladochindey became a rage," he points out.
Unwilling to give up her chosen track, she is playing a tough lover girl in her upcoming film "Thandel. "She portrays the girl next door role who wages a battle of sorts to win back her lover (Naga Chaitanya) who is stuck in Pakistan jail and gets him back," he informs.
While her colleagues like Rashmika, Keerthy Suresh, and Sreeelela looking to make a mark in Bollywood with glam-centric roles, Sai Pallavi is essaying the role of Goddess Sita in Hindi film Ramayana and continuing her legacy of performance-based characters and inspiring new gen divas to believe in their acting talent.