Butt It Hurts: Learn to listen

Prashant Jade's directorial production believes in celebrating differences through this comedy.

Update: 2017-04-28 21:10 GMT
A scene from the play, Butt It Hurts.

Differences in opinion aren’t uncommon, but rarely well-accepted. With an intent to help young adults encourage different perspectives, Butt It Hurts, is an English play which eggs you on to think, amidst a couple of chuckles! In a candid chat, the team tells us more... "Basically put, the play is an incident analysis by two young lawyers. Set against a backdrop of a court, these two non-participatory lawyers get into a heated argument over the ‘could haves’ and should haves’ of an impending court case over lunch time.

Ironically, they’re not even related to the issue in any way. But, what leads to a spat is them looking at things not as how it is, but how they are – and that’s where all the problems begin. This essentially is the message,” shares Prashant Jade, the script writer, producer and director of the play. Enacted by two full-time theatre artistes, the play aims to strike a perfect balance between comedy and realism. “After having roughly performed about 15-20 plays, I must say this is something different in comparison to my previous works.

Most people come a conclusion a little too soon, just on observing or seeing something. This play highlights how it is important to listen with an open mind and broaden your mindset enough to let someone else explain their views,” says Anuraag Puthige, who plays the role of Dinesh, a lawyer, one of the protagonists. Directed at anyone above 14 years of age, the play promises to offer an interesting mash of crisp dialogue delivery and a rivetting story-line with a smattering of comedy thrown in. “According to me, the most interesting bit about the character I play is how he (Perumal Samy) is witty and staunchly stubborn in his perspective. The manner in which he goes all out to counteract is what keeps the suspense of this comic play going. We wish for people to laugh out loud, and also do a bit self-introspection of sorts on their way back,” concludes Saurav Verma, another protagonist. The play will be staged at 7.30 pm on April 30 in Atta Galatta

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