Age is just a number in the Telugu film industry
Govt. guidelines silent about senior citizens being involved in film shooting
The Telangana Government has released a GO setting out the guidelines to be followed while resuming film shootings.
Most of the guidelines are easy to follow, but there seems to be one glaring gap there is no mention of the age factor.
While some other state governments have stipulated that people over 60 or 65 are not allowed at the shooting spot, the Telangana State guidelines are silent about this aspect.
General rules issued by the Centre as well as various state governments suggest that people over 60 and under 8 should stay indoors.
It may be noted that many character artistes and top actors in the Telugu film industry are 60 or older. Chiranjeevi, Balakrishna and Nagarjuna fall into this category while Venkatesh too is nearing to 60.
That could be one reason why age restrictions are not mentioned in the guidelines. If they are brought into force, many of the film shootings may not be able to take place.