There are certain experiences that Indians can totally relate to or are familiar with that make up the quintessential Desi experience. Saigo, who studies at a design institute in Bengaluru, started his own webcomic, Brown Paperbag, about the struggles of growing up in India after realising that there weren't many comics about non-political Indian satire.
Most desi parents have no chill when it comes to having 'friends' of the opposite sex.
Domestic obligations can seriously cause problems in your love life.
Superstition can be a weapon of super destruction. Yeah, right.
Well, Indians can have some seriously messed up priorities sometimes.
Your mom will put the blame on your internet browsing habits for anything that goes wrong in your life.
Birthdays aren't exactly a happy affair if you look closely enough.
Sadly sometimes family expectations ensure that you end up with a completely unfulfilling career.
Indian double standards can be too mind-boggling to digest for an outsider.