Pagoda festivals are common annual events similar to western cultural carnivals and fairs. (Photo: AP)
Buddhist devotees pray in front of a Buddha statue during a pagoda festival, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. (Photo: AP)
Inntha ethnic people row long boat as they pull the huge boat carrying Buddha images to a monastery during the annual pagoda festival Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. (Photo: AP)
A huge boat carrying Buddha images is seen at the lake during the annual pagoda festival Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. Food stalls, entertainment, performances and lethwei matche are part of the celebration. (Photo: AP)
Inntha ethnic people row long boat as they pull the huge boat carrying Buddha images to a monastery during the annual pagoda festival Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. Pagoda festivals are similar to carnivals and country fairs. (Photo: AP)
Inntha ethnic children look out from their home while a huge boat carrying Buddha images to a monastery pass during the annual pagoda festival Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar.Most of the pagoda festivals are held during the dry season. (Photo: AP)
Inntha ethnic people row and dance on a long boat in a procession carrying Buddha images to a monastery during the annual pagoda festival Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. This kind of festival is dictated by the Burmese religious calendar and held for several days. (Photo: AP)
A man takes a photograph of huge boat carrying Buddha images during the annual pagoda festival, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017, in Inlay Lake, southern Shan State, Myanmar. It is held to observe and honour major events in pagoda's history. (Photo: AP)
Myanmar: Inntha ethnic people celebrate Pagoda Festival