Lisha, a 21-year-old aspiring body artist, decided to experiment with illusion and 3D body art after attending a beginners' face-painting course. She has now become so good with her work that she turn her arms into mind-boggling optical illusions by using paint.
A painted jelly fish coming out of the depths of darkness.
That moment when your hand looks like it belongs to a scary zombie.
This looks like a cool option for fooling your friends on Halloween, doesn't it?
Check out this fine illusion of a skeleton hand merging with a bird and flowers.
Here's one way to keep the butterflies from flying away from your reach.
Once she captures the perfect photo, she then uses a photo editing app that enables her to fade the black paint to blend in with the background.
She reveals that the final illusion is created by a combination of perfect lighting, solid black paint to create a negative space, a black background and the right angle.