Customer passes the final verdict: Ali Merchant, Founder and CEO of AM Infoweb

Merchant is a philanthropist, life coach, and a multi-millionaire CEO of AM Infoweb, a Health Information Management Outsourcing company

Update: 2020-12-19 14:56 GMT
Ali Merchant.

Ali Merchant is a philanthropist, a life coach, a multi-millionaire CEO of AM Infoweb, a Health Information Management Outsourcing company. He is a man of value before being a man of success. And hence, very committed to giving his best in all domains that he is active in – a respected guide and mentor besides being a successful businessman. It was a treat to listen to his ideas of a client-centric business model and its dynamics. Here is an excerpt from the same.

What is a client-centric approach?

“A business model revolving around customer experiences and feedback is a client-centric approach. In simple words, if I were to introduce any changes in our process or services, I will primarily consider the impact of those changes on my existing and prospective clients. Only if I feel confident of positive results will I enforce those changes.”

Why do you advocate this approach over its other counterparts?

He confides, “Over the years I comprehended, no matter what upgrades are implemented in a product-centric or service-centric business model, the final verdict is always passed by the customers. And if the verdict is not in favor of the changes, then all my initiatives and my team’s efforts are in vain. It is a thorough drain of resources. Hence, I believe it is wise to train your focus on a client-centric approach so that whatever you do is agreeable with your customers. This way you are more confident in your decisions which fetch the desired results. After all, customer satisfaction guarantees ROI. Happy customers mean happy you!”

How do you sustain a client-centric approach in the long term?

“Company culture has immense significance in the sustenance of a customer-centered strategy model. And hence, the responsibility of creating a customer-focused mindset falls on the business leaders and efficient cascading of the same down the hierarchy. A ‘customer-first’ attitude needs to be embedded deeply into the mindset of employees and other stakeholders to ensure uniformity of thought and decision-making process. In short, your staff should understand the customer needs and trigger points and also be well versed with the customer journey. Initiatives to hire culture-fit professionals and orienting them in this direction are the best investments to maintain a client-centric approach in the long term of events.”

How does it contribute to success?

Mr. Merchant shares, “Mapping client interactions and shift in mindset is the best source of input that can be channeled to improvise processes and products or services. This method definitely puts you in a favorable position in the eyes of your customers and helps promote longevity in the market. Once you establish a customer-focused business model, you tend to invest in technology and training on similar lines thus, boosting customer-centricity and eventually customer satisfaction. A culture-fit group of professionals is more open to active engagement and motivation which becomes evident in all their client interactions. This attitude attracts customers more than the brand name. Interactions are the basis on which clients make decisions. So, a client-centric approach always has a positive impact on business.”

This was expert information coming from a man who has tasted success on the basis of his insights and business principles. He is a force to reckon with and synonymous with a knowledge bank that he keeps sharing with all. We are confident; our readers will thoroughly gain from the ideas and approach shared by our esteemed guest –Ali Merchant


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