\'My imagination has played a vital role in my books\' - ARUSHI VATS

Arushi Vats started her writing career with her debut book Fragile Strings. Later, she published her second book, a romance novel

Update: 2022-02-28 15:22 GMT
Arushi Vats is a published author of four books.

Arushi Vats started her writing career with her debut book Fragile Strings. Later, she published her second book, a romance novel. After writing two books, she received her Masters Degree in Creative Writing in English from Brunel University London. Arushi is a published author of four books. Here is an exclusive interview with this incredibly talented author:

How many books have you written and published?

Well, I have published four books. All the books are of the fiction genre. My aim in life is to be a versatile writer. Accordingly, I have written books. One is an anthology of poems, two are romance novels, and the other book is a collection of short stories.

What are you working on presently?

At the present moment, I am writing my fifth book. It is taking more time than I thought. Hopefully, I’ll complete writing my fifth book. It will be out by this year. This book is my dream novel, and I have been working hard to create my best writing piece.

Your characters are based on pure imagination or are they inspired by the real people around you?

Mostly, my imagination has played a vital role in my books. Since childhood, I have enjoyed daydreaming and creating my imaginary world. I enjoyed living in my dream world. My imagination catapulted me to create the best characters in my stories. However, few characters' nature were built because I came across some people whose personality or temperament was quite intriguing and yet pleasant.

Do you think a good author has to be a reader first?

Absolutely! If you are a bibliophile, then writing a piece becomes relatively easy and expressing emotions into words in a creative manner brings confidence in the writer. Being a reader and writer goes hand in hand. One is incomplete without the other.

Self-publishing vs Traditional publishing! Which one do you prefer and why?

I started my writing journey with Self-publishing because that is the exposure I got first in my life. However, if I get a chance for my book to be traditionally published, I would be glad for the opportunity. Whether it’s self-publishing or traditional publishing, I am pleased with both.

What are some common struggles that an Indian author has to go through? And did you face them too? If yes, how did you overcome them?

I guess the struggle that the Indian author has to undergo is reaching out to the right readers. With my first book, I had no clue how to reach out to the specific readers who read poetry. It is important that as a writer you attract the readers who are interested in reading that particular genre.

Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

My role model is the famous author Paulo Coelho. I have read his books ever since I was eighteen years old. His books inspired me to pursue my writing career. My goal in life is to write books that touch the readers' hearts and souls, and I know someday; I will inspire people with my writings.

How do you manage success?

My parents make sure that I don’t let success get the better of me. Mainly, my Father keeps me grounded. He advises me to focus on writing better and create the best writing pieces. My mother reminds me that success is necessary, but it shouldn’t hinder your personal growth or career. I am learning how to maintain balance in life the right way.

What is your message to the budding writers?

Writing is a full-time commitment. Passion alone cannot get you to your desired goal. Consistency and dedication are essential to becoming the finest writer you want. Dreams come true when you continue working hard.

Which is your favourite book out of the four books you have written?

I love all the four books I have written. I can’t select one. Every book is unique and special in its way. I have written poetry, short stories, and romance novels as a writer. Nevertheless, if I would pick one book that I would consider my finest writing piece, it would be my novel My Better Half Forever.

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