Skye, a former street dog from Mumbai can now carry off a variety of costumes stylishly thanks to his owner Shai Divan. The 13-year-old girl had adopted the cute canine about a year ago and loves dressing up her pet. (Photo: Instagram/ @indian_dogue)
We think Skye could play the part of a caddie perfectly.
Looks like the Skye fan club membership is growing pretty fast.
There's nothing that Skye can't carry off - even backless cholis.
He surely would have given his victory speech if he didn't love his trophy so much.
Apparently Skye loves to skate without ignoring road safety rules.
Skye makes looking like a nerd the coolest thing ever.
What's interesting is that unlike other animal Instagrammers, Divan doesn't buy Skye's outfits from shops. She makes these costumes and props with the things lying around in her house.
Divan says she got the idea to create a special Instagram account for her Skye when she was playing dress-up with him.