Innovative Contemporary Italian Cuisine at ITC Kohenur's Ottimo

Update: 2024-07-19 07:20 GMT
Contemporary Italian Cuisine (Photo By: Arrangement)

Hyderabad: Hyderabad, get ready to embark on a culinary adventure like no other! ITC Kohenur's Ottimo has just launched its latest menu, and it's a game-changer. This avant-garde take on contemporary Italian cuisine is not just a feast for the taste buds, but also a testament to the restaurant's commitment to sustainability.

The new menu is a masterclass in creativity, with unconventional ingredients like lamb offals, octopus, and Jerusalem artichoke taking center stage. But don't let that intimidate you—each dish is expertly crafted to showcase the unique flavours and textures of these ingredients. Take the Cervelletto di Agnello, for instance, where delicate lamb brain is prepared with finesse, or the Polipetti con Patate, where tender baby octopus is paired with perfectly cooked potatoes.

What's truly remarkable about this menu, however, is its emphasis on sustainability. Ottimo's chefs have taken the concepts of Root Shoot and Nose to Tail cooking to heart, ensuring that every part of each ingredient is used to its fullest potential. This not only reduces waste but also results in some truly innovative dishes, like the Zuppa di Carciofi di Gerusalemme, a rich and flavorful Jerusalem artichoke soup.
Italian cuisine in Hyderabad has never been more exciting, and Ottimo's new menu is a bold testament to the city's culinary evolution. So why settle for the usual pasta and pizza when you can experience the rich flavors of Italy with a conscience? Join the culinary journey at Ottimo and discover a whole new world of Italian cuisine that's as sustainable as it is delicious."

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