Update: 2024-09-19 19:12 GMT
Cats offer elderly individuals emotional support, low maintenance, and joy, making them perfect companions for seniors seeking warmth and companionship. (Image: Freepik)

Cuddle them, pamper them and then fall prey to their adorable tantrums! Feline furballs (aka cats), serve as the perfect companion across the age spectrum. A growing number of elderly folks are enjoying the company of cats. Not only do they stand as a strong support system for older people, pets also help fight depression, loneliness, stress, anxiety, and a lot more. These furballs provide a calm environment and are happy to lay on their owner’s lap, resting and cuddling all day through, making them an ideal choice for seniors!

Paw-fect Friends

“I have been with cats for over three decades now. I have always thought of them as my own kids,” says Sabina Baretto (73) from Mumbai. As a homemaker, mother of two and grandmother of four, Sabina, spends most of her time today with her cats. The day starts with her having a nice, hearty breakfast. Feeding her little ones, who accompany her to the kitchen on and off, and treat themselves to constant pampering, warmth, and cat food aka nibbles!
“There are moments when I feel dull, but my little ones are always there to cheer me up,” she says. Sabina feels that spending time with her cats helps her overcome her daily worries. “From the start of my day till the time I go to bed, they are always around me. They even cuddle up and sleep by my side every night,” she says.
Rony Dcosta, a media professional and pet parent says, “Pets play a crucial role in the lives of individuals who live alone.
They provide them with a haven for emotional support, and companionship serving as a vital necessity for those who may experience feelings of loneliness or isolation.”

Low Maintenance

While cats do come with their own set of tantrums and needs, they do not need constant grooming as cats tend to be obsessive with basic self-cleaning. They don’t need daily walks as most of them like relaxing in a cozy corner. All they demand is a ‘DND’ sign board during their long hours of naps!
“Cats are the perfect pet in terms of low maintenance, but enough to keep you occupied,” says Dr. Sanjana Karve, Veterinary Surgeon at the Progressive Pet Clinic, Mumbai. Dr. Sanjana shares how for most empty-nesters, it is important to have someone at home, seeking attention and making their presence felt. “It is indeed a much-needed stress buster” adds Dr Sanjana.
Cats are predominantly also known to be quite comfortable in quiet spaces. With their loudest meows and purrs too, not causing much of a disturbance to members at home or neighbors around. Dr. Sanjana shares how these little ones can also bring a sense of innate joy by their presence in one’s home. She adds, “It brings a lot of joy to know that the moment you reach home, you will be greeted with excitement whether you have been out for 5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 days.”
Stress Partners

“Pets in general provide a sense of companionship, emotional support, a sense of purpose and responsibility,” explains Dr Madhur Rathi, MBBS MD, Psychiatry from Noida. With elderly people being at an age in life where their energy levels may not be at their very best, cats help as easy partners to get along with. By their very nature, they tend to be independent in many ways.
He further speaks of the psychological benefits that come along. These primarily being a reduction in the cortisol levels in the brain making one feel more relaxed and comfortable. Not just that, but this can also help boost one’s mood, providing a sense of warmth, love and purpose, explains Dr Madhur. Petting of a cat also releases endorphins into the brain, leading to an overall reduction in stress levels. Having a feline pet-friend also helps one with some amount of exercising, especially for the elderly. This could range from smaller tasks of breeding or grooming to feeding or clearing litter trays to routine visits to the vet.
Dr Madhur says that these activities help keep the elderly occupied yet provide them with optimum physical movements to lead happy and healthy lives. He adds, “The playfulness of pets can help in mental stimulation, better energy levels and overall health.”

Sense of Purpose

Many older individuals go through a lot in terms of biological ageing or simply episodes of prolonged loneliness, stress, feelings of redundancy and a lot more. At such times, pets tend to extend ‘paws of support.’ Perhaps the reason why cats have become a common favourite among older individuals who long for nothing but some amount of companionship, warmth and love!

"The playfulness that pets bring can help in mental stimulation, better energy levels and overall health.” — Dr. Madhur Rathi, MBBS MD, Psychiatry

"My cats have been there by my side through thick and thin” — Sabina Baretto, Pet parent & homemaker, Mumbai

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