Having sex too frequently can affect satisfaction in bed
The idea is to put more effort in sex and being creative instead of having more sex or sex that lasts longer.
When it comes to sex, a lot of people gauge their sex life based on the frequency at which they have sex, as more sex is considered to make for a healthy sex life. But a new study has revealed that having too much sex hinder satisfaction in bed.
Experts suggest that couples who have sex more than once a week are not much happier in comparison to those having it on a weekly basis. This means that once a week is enough for a couple to have a good sex life.
The study also said that planned sex is better and mentioned that having sex too frequently takes the thrill out of a relationship and this might be the reason that too much sex can leave a couple deprived of the kind of satisfaction they seek.
It also mentioned that sex lasting longer doesn’t necessarily mean a couple is having good sex, since getting more creative and developing an understanding with time is what counts. This is an aspect which has led to older couples having better sex.
The study concluded that it wasn’t the frequency of having sex but the effort couples put into the act that makes for good sex, and many couples said that satisfaction depends most on finding a partner that’s truly right for them.