German designs 'safety shorts' to prevent women from rape
Sandra Seilz designed the shorts after a rise in the number of rapes in Germany
Women being physically assaulted and raped aren’t uncommon these days and their safety is at risk at every step while travelling. The need for safety is the need of the hour so that they could protect themselves. A German, Sandra Seilz took up the task and has now made underwear that sends out an alarm as soon as it is touched by anybody.
According to a report in the Mirror, the ‘safe shorts’ are fitted with a combination lock that triggers a 130 db siren if touched. The demand of the shorts peaked recently after they were sold online because of the 22 rapes reported in Germany recently. The pants are designed in a way to protect the woman from being raped with cut-resistant material that makes it impossible to tear. The shorts will ring as soon as an attempt is made to cut it and is priced at 100 Euros.
There are several other devices like small alarm systems fitted on handbags to help women send out an alarm.