Sunny goes skydiving

Nothing’s scary any more, says actor

Update: 2024-02-26 18:00 GMT
Even while going up in the jet plane, I wasn’t sure whether I should take this up or not. But I stuck to my desire to do this. The feeling of free-falling from 15,000 ft height is indescribable. The experience has underlined the need to chase adventure and embrace the extraordinary — VJ Sunny

Sunny VJ recently went to Australia on work, but during a break, the actor ticked off an item from his bucket list — a long-cherished desire to go skydiving. Despite his fear of heights, Sunny took the leap — and had a ball!

“The feeling of free-falling from 15,000 ft height is indescribable,” he exulted. “I did it!” he shouted mid-air.
Sunny decided to take up the challenge to break free of his fear. Tandem skydiving is jumping out of his comfort zone, quite literally, he said. “Even while going up in the jet plane, I wasn’t sure whether I should take this up or not. But I stuck to my desire to do this. And it was an incredible experience,” he shared.
When his instructor asked him mid-air how he was feeling, Sunny replied, “Great. This is like a free bird.”
The actor said the experience has underlined the need to chase adventure and embrace the extraordinary. “After I came down, I realised nothing is going to be scary in life. I felt empowered.”
The actor also took the opportunity to travel down the spectacular Great Ocean Drive. “The 243-km highway along the stunning coastline is carved into sheer cliffs that drop away into the ocean. It is so therapeutic,” he said.


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