Gruesome footage captures lion ripping out foetus from dead pregnant buffalo

A woman is heard crying in disgust after realising that the fleshy-looking object was actually the unborn baby of the buffalo.

Update: 2016-05-14 14:32 GMT
Visitors to the Kruger National Park in South Africa were horrified when they witnessed three male lions hunting down a female buffalo and its unborn foetus as well. (Credit: YouTube)

A shockingly violent video has proved that the adage ‘might is right’ is the only rule that is followed in the jungle kingdom. Visitors to the Kruger National Park in South Africa were horrified when they witnessed three male lions hunting down a female buffalo and its unborn foetus as well.

The couple who managed to capture the brutal incident on camera are heard commenting in the background as the predators proceed to chew the carcass of the buffalo. However, one of them decides to stay and eat it a bit more even as the others go away after having their fill. Seconds later the beast manages to pull out a fleshy object out of the bloody cavities of the dead creature and is seen walking away. A woman is then heard crying in disgust after realising that it was actually the unborn baby of the buffalo.

The rapacious lion is then seen walking towards its companion resting under a tree and later feasting on his ‘prize’.

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