Paytm changes insensitive ad, still faces flak on Twitter

The ad featured a woman complaining about demonetisation and her maid saying \"Drama Bandh Karo\".

Update: 2016-11-17 11:39 GMT
They changed the wording but got trolled anyways (Photo: Twitter)

New Delhi: The government’s move to demonetise currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 has been inviting mixed responses with some calling it a bold move for a greater good while the inconvenience and chaos caused by the lack of administration has triggered sharp criticism.

Among many reactions, e-payment giant Paytm first praised the move and was also accused by some of having prior information to benefit from the move, after it featured the PM in its ad related to the move the very next day.

It’s now facing flak for an advertisement in which it shows a woman talking about the inconvenience caused by the move and difficulty to pay her domestic help’s salary. The help responds saying “Drama Bandh Karo, Paytm Karo”.


The ad was slammed on the social media as people called it insensitive given how people were facing difficulties due to demonetisation.




Following the outrage, Paytm decided to make changes and changed the words “Drama Bandh Karo” with “Hamari Chinta Na Karo” in a new version.



But this move too didn’t go well with another section of trolls who branded the e-payment platform’s move as a cowardly one.





It seems there’s no respite for Paytm which has caught itself in the middle of the ongoing turmoil. Snapdeal also faced a similar backlash for Aamir Khan's comments on rising intolerance in India.

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