The learned Headsetter

This Bengaluru youngster is using virtual reality to revolutionise education with his startup.

Update: 2016-11-25 18:43 GMT
Dhruv Washishth

Ever been asked a question in class and you just stood there, growing roots, dumbstruck? That happens when you haven’t understood the concept or worse, the question! Having faced similar dilemmas before, Bengaluru entrepreneur Dhruv Washishth took to changing that.

This 26-year-old’s startup, Paradigm Shift is using augmented and virtual reality to make education interactive and fun! After every university from Stan ford to Colorado have shown interest, he’s all set to launch it at his alma mater, Christ University soon.

“Imagine entering a whole different world by just putting on a headset, imagine learning while playing Pokemon Go,” he explains it simply. The enterpriser was chosen by Draper University in California for a programme and during a hackathon, the idea was born. Of course, the seeds to overhaul the system were sown long before – “Whether it was the concept of gravity or how rain is formed, there was no option but to learn things by-heart when I was in school. As a result, my grades in science and math plummeted,” says Dhruv.

Now with cutting-edge technologies making their way into the education system, it’s not so bad anymore. Everyone from students in high school to those in university can take notes from Dhruv’s startup.

“You download the app on your phone, place the handset inside a Google Cardboard and start learning,” he says. With a management accounting degree from Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) in UK and a B.Com from Christ, he decided to test it out at his alma mater.

“We are going to create content for their marketing and sales 101 subjects and start distributing it for the new semester in April,” he adds. Dhruv is a passionate globetrotter too.

“In the past three years, I have visited over 40 cities and have been based out of London, Bengaluru and San Francisco. For my birthday this past week, I woke up in Vegas, visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona and then finished the night off in New York City!” he smiles, hoping that like himself, his startup’s offerings too travel the globe.

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