Sex trade moves into secure apartments

Cops worried as gated communities turn havens for sex racket, drugs

Update: 2023-08-18 20:35 GMT

 HYDERABAD: There is a growing concern, especially among police personnel, over the misuse of apartments and gated communities across locations for illegal activities like prostitution, gambling and drug-related activities.

These otherwise residential spaces, designed to provide security, comfort and a sense of community, have unfortunately become havens for illicit businesses, which are thriving.

Police officials are worried that these activities will not only bring disrepute to the community but also create security problems for other residents.

The activities are conducted in such a clandestine manner that the others living in such communities, including neighbours, will be oblivious to the happenings around them, including prostitution and drugs.

The recent prostitution incident in Alwal police station exposes this worrisome development. Six men were arrested and eight women were sent to the Sakhi centre.

A top official from the women and child safety wing of Hyderabad police told Deccan Chronicle “We have sent thousands of women to the sakhi centre. Last year, we busted India’s biggest sex racket. They are all established networks and women from BPL families are lured into the racket. Depending on the individual, these women are paid between ₹1000 and ₹ 15,000 per day. We are trying hard to curb this societal menace.”

Police sources said "the established groups opt for gated communities and apartments with security guards and ensure that no outsider enters. A secret code with a mix of numeric and alphabets is given to maintain secrecy. When we recently tried to catch hold of such operatives, we were beaten up. This is a major deterrent because we are worried about the adverse psychological impact on others in the neighbourhood.”

Another police official said “Some people in apartments and gated communities do not bother much as they presume it to be a privacy issue and do not interfere. People need to be aware of what's happening around them. This way, they can report anything suspicious to the police. It is after all for their good and more so for their children.”


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