Domlur flyover: A shortcut that puts pedestrians at risk

According to post-mortem report Kevin had traces of alcohol in his blood.

Update: 2018-08-21 22:12 GMT
While the flyovers are boon for the motorists, the unchecked jaywalking has become a matter of concern.

Bengaluru: Taking a short-cut to reach home proved fatal for a 17-year-old florist, who was knocked down by a speeding car being driven by a drunk surgeon on Domlur flyover on Monday.

The flyover, which is a no-pedestrian zone, is being utilised by the pedestrians, risking their lives, just to avoid taking a long route from HAL side to Domlur and vice-versa. While the flyovers are boon for the motorists, the unchecked jaywalking has become a matter of concern.

On Monday, Kevin, son of Richard and Mala, was not the only person crossing the road on the flyover. But, he became the victim of drunk driving, when Dr Ravi Teja, who was behind the wheel of the speeding BMW, lost control over his vehicle.

Kevin, the deceased

Later, the doctor, a trainee breast surgeon at the Manipal Hospital, was found to have consumed four times more alcohol than the permissible limit, which is 30 µl alcohol in 100 ml blood.

However, Kevin too, according to police, was under the influence of alcohol, and perhaps failed to notice the car. According to post-mortem report Kevin had 11 µl alcohol in 100 ml blood.

Miraculous escape for child
In another freak incident near Nelamangala a child had a miraculous escape after a motorcycle on which he and his parents were travelling collided with another bike.A video of the incident has gone viral on the social media. The clip shows a couple riding a bike with their child seated in front. The speeding motorcycle hits another two-wheeler and due to the impact, the couple fell off the vehicle, while the child remains seated and the bike miraculously continues to run on the road without losing balance or hitting another vehicle.After covering some distance, the motorcycle falls at nearby bushes the roadside. The child is thrown off on to the grass and suffers minor bruises, while the couple sustained serious injuries.

Many pedestrians risk lives
Despite being a no-pedestrian zone, hundreds of pedestrians risk their lives on Domlur flyover and also put the lives of motorists in danger. With the flyover being built above the big drain which cuts access between HAL area and Domlur, leaving no option for pedestrians but to take a longer route to cross the road, the pedestrians use the flyover as a shortcut.

Fewer drunk driving checks
The incident may have been averted had the traffic police conducted their routine drunk driving checks on weekends with the same enthusiasm as during the initial months of the year. Of late, the traffic police have reduced such checks thereby providing a free run for people to drink and drive.

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