Kerala government plans transgender matrimony scheme

The minister delved more on social attitude towards transgender persons.;

Update: 2018-06-01 01:15 GMT
Health minister K.K. Shylaja greets the first transgender persons in the state to tie the nuptial knot, Surya and Ishaan K. Shaan, at the reception organised by the state government at a hotel at Thampanoor in Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday. (Photo: A.V. MUZAFAR)

Thiruvananthapuram: The state government has been mooting to offer financial assistance to transgender persons who get married, and an announcement in this regard was expected to be made at the reception organised by the Social Justice Department for the state’s first trans-couple to get married, Surya and Ishaan K. Shaan. 

Social Justice Minister K.K. Shylaja, who arrived late at the function, said that the government had such plans, but did not  make any clear announcement as to how much. She said that the government had certain budget constraints, staying within which such a scheme will be devised. The minister delved more on social attitude towards transgender persons. She said that parents should change their outlook and create an atmosphere that is welcoming for the children who might fall in gender minority.

Various sources had earlier suggested that Surya and Ishaan would be the first recipients of the TG matrimony scheme. State TG Justice Board member Anil Arjunan said that the assistance would help several TG persons, as they are normally ousted from the family they are born into. “Many of them are dropouts who find it difficult to get a job. The money would be helpful,” he said.

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