Siddaramaiah govt building pothole-free roads: HC Mahadevappa

Different IITs, NITs and research institutions shared their knowledge and experience on road building.;

Update: 2017-11-04 01:54 GMT
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah

BENGALURU: “Pothole-free roads are being built for the first time by the Siddaramaiah government. Also, we have laid over 30,000 km of roads – 10,000 km of state highways and 20,000 km district roads in the last four years,” claimed PWD Minister H.C. Mahadevappa at the 78th annual session of Indian Roads Congress (IRC), here on Friday. Inaugurating the event, CM Siddaramaiah said, “Roads are the backbone of transport, which promote social activity. Our government has given priority to rural and urban connectivity and we are striving to improve roads. A scientific management committee has been formed to ensure the quality of roads. We are also working with the assistance of World Bank and other international financial institutions for different infrastructure projects.”

IRC president N.K. Pradhan told Deccan Chronicle, “Plastic waste has to be used for road construction and that is the reason we have made it mandatory. Even courts are in favour of it. It is a success in urban and municipal areas. We would like to extend it to other areas too if we get more plastic waste form municipal areas.”

Over 1,500 delegates from across the country took part. Different IITs, NITs and research institutions shared their knowledge and experience on road building. The IRC introduced 16 new codes for the construction of roads. Dr C.E. J. Justo and P.C. Bhasin were presented the Lifetime Achievement Awards for devoting their life for upgradation and standardisation of highways in the country.

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