Rs 6.4 crore spent on event management during Narendra Modi's visits abroad
V K Singh said Modi has visited 51 countries in last 26 months after coming to power.
New Delhi: Over 70 per cent of the nearly Rs. nine crore spent by Indian diplomatic missions for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's public and community programmes have been spent on event management during his visits to 51 countries since he assumed office.
Nearly Rs. 6.4 crore were spent out of about Rs. 8.8 crore on the event management with the highest, Rs. two crore, being spent during his visit to France in 2015, Rajya Sabha was informed by Minister of State for External Affairs V K Singh.
However, it does not mention the expenditure on event management during many community functions including the famous Madison Square programme which was primarily organised by groups like 'Overseas Friends of BJP' along with some NRI outfits.
According to Singh, PM Modi has visited 51 countries in last 26 months after coming to power.