Foreign student attack a stray incident: College managements

Road rage key issue that needs to be handled, say college managements.

Update: 2016-02-05 22:07 GMT
The case relates to allegations of pollution by villagers living near the massive Nchanga Copper mine, owned by Vedanta subsidiary Konkola Copper Mines (KCM). (Photo: Shashidhar B.)

Bengaluru: According to various surveys, in the academic year 2014-15, Karnataka attracted the highest number of foreign students compared to any other state in the country. Bengaluru has more than 3,000 students studying, mostly in technical institutions, which offer courses related to computer and information technology.

According to college managements, they are not at fault as every foreign student is advised to be careful with the locals. Speaking to DC, the staff of a prominent college informed us that usually foreign students from Iran and the African countries are admitted to colleges through designated overseas agencies. “At the time of admission itself, we request all students to keep cordial relations with local students and communities. Except for a few stray incidents such as this, there have been no issues,” he explained.

College managements say that road rage is one of the main issues needed to be handled among all college students. “Compared to local students, foreign students rarely have any bouts of road rage. This can verified with local police stations – the number of accidents caused by local students and the number of accidents by foreign students. To add to this, foreign students stay together, but following this incident we will speak to all our students,” said, the Principal of another college.

Officials at the State Higher Education Department are of the opinion that regaining the confidence of foreign students is most important as they have become an integral part of our education system.

“Bengaluru is known as the best place to study for Asian and African students. They bring in diversity, with many educational institutions admitting hundreds of students. This incident has shamed the city globally,” said an anonymous officer.

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