Drainage problem in Electricity Colony
The residents of Electricity Colony near Auto Nagar Industrial Estate are are facing severe mosquito problem.
VIJAYAWADA: The residents of Electricity Colony near Auto Nagar Industrial Estate are are facing severe mosquito problem.
They say there are two main reasons behind this problem including growth of unwanted plants and overflowing of drainage waste on to the roads.
Mr P. Ramana, a resident of the colony, said that the overflowing of drainage is leading to growth of weed and other wild plants at the colony. He suggested that the officials of the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation should take measures to control it. He observed that the nearby open drainage is also one of the reasons for the problem.
On the other hand, Mr K. Sitaiah, another resident of the colony, obse-rved that even though summer is fast approaching, mosquitoes remain as a problem.
Roughly 400 houses are there in this colony, said Mr Sitaiah. He said that the drinking water is not a problem as of now. But, he said that in the summer they face the problem. He said that in the previous year they could not get sufficient water.
Mr Sitaiah said that unless the VMC officials take adequate measures, the residents of this colony would experience drinking water problem in this summer too.