AP, Telangana on same page over Krishna waters distribution

AP govt on Thursday began its arguments before the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal in Delhi.

Update: 2016-04-08 02:07 GMT
Krishna River

Hyderabad: The AP government on Thursday began its arguments before the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal in Delhi, stated it was in toto against the final order of the Tribunal in 2013 and very much in favour of a review of total allocations amongst the four riparian states without confining it to project-wise allocations for TS and AP. AP government counsel A.K. Ganguly told the Tribunal that the government of united AP had filed a SLP before Supreme Court against the Tribunal’s final order due to injustice meted out to the state in distribution of waters of Krishna River.

He pointed out that they were against reduction of 75 per cent dependability decided by the Bachawat Tribunal to 65 per cent by the Brijesh Kumar Tribunal. Mr Ganguly contended that surplus waters, over and above the allocations, were purposed for downstream projects of AP and the state was against their being distributed among all riparian states as decided by the Tribunal.

He also argued that the purpose of Section 89 of AP Reorganisation Act enacted by Parliament giving extension to KWDT would be defeated if the Brijesh Kumar Tribunal confined its fresh term of references to residuary AP and TS without extending it to all riparian states, including Maharastra and Karnataka. It may be mentioned here that both Maharashtra and Karnataka have argued against review of total award as demanded by TS and AP. Further hearings have been posted for May 9 to 11.

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