MoD Directs Cantonment Boards to Cut Staff, Submit Requirement within 4 Days

Update: 2023-08-09 18:30 GMT
The orders plunged employees of the Secunderabad Cantonment Board into apprehension over their futures. (Image: DC)

Hyderabad: The ministry of defence (MoD) instructed Cantonment boards across the country to retain staffers only for the civic areas that would remain after the proposed separation from military areas, in proportion to the population that would need to be served. It sought a report on the requirement from cantonment boards within four days.

The communique, issued by Daman Singh, Assistant DG (Cantonments) of the Directorate General Defence Estates (DGDE), directed that “in no circumstances should extra staff be retained by cantonment board, causing burden to the government exchequer”.

The orders plunged employees of the Secunderabad Cantonment Board into apprehension over their futures.

“What we feared has come closer; the future of employment looks scary, as we don't know who will be retained, who will be terminated, where some of us could be transferred and if they'll be good enough,” said Vajra C.H., an employee.

Employees are planning to hold a meeting to discuss the issue and ways to mitigate the consequences of such a move.

The MoD order also called for merging all office functions, including administration, accounting and general duties, to further reduce the manpower retained by the boards. “And further, the option of entrusting work of residual area to staff of nearby cantonment boards may be explored,” the communique stated.

It stated that proposals by boards to state governments may be checked by the Principal Directorate of Defence Estates (PDDE), in consultation with CEOs, to make any necessary modification.

Seeking a detailed report on the staff requirement of the boards, to be submitted to this DTE General, within four days. “The report shall, inter alia, indicate the residual area where civil population is residing (excluding Military area) and no. of properties /Bungalows (including leases and old grant etc.) and approximate civilian population in the retained area and that in the proposed excised area (sic),” the letter stated.


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