High Court restrictions on immersion of PoP Ganesh idols evokes mixed reactions
Almost everyone said online darshan and a silent festival was not feasible;
Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court’s orders placing restrictions on immersion of plaster of Paris Ganesha idols and those with synthetic paints in Hussainsagar have come as a shock to several pandal organizers in the city.
Some organiers, however, welcomed the decision, saying it was time such restrictions were placed. Almost everyone said online darshan and a silent festival was not feasible.
We have to abide by the rules. About online prayers, the facility is not available to everyone. On the day of Visarjan, if there is no music then it’s not going to give us the festival vibes. Bhajan is a must for Visarjan.
Devender Reddy, pharmacy owner, Tadbund Road; has set up 7-8 ft PoP idol
We have been celebrating with eco-friendly idols for five years. This year, there was a shortage and we purchased a PoP idol. The festival is celebrated mostly by young people and it is impossible to celebrate without music or dance. Promoting online darshan is also impossible.
Peddi Srinivas, runs local youth association, Sikh Village; has set up 7-8 ft PoP idol
We have been celebrating the festival for 60 years and immersing the idol in the Hussainsagar. Had the government informed us early, we would have arranged alternatives. Promoting online darshan is really not recommended because this is a grand celebration after two years because of the pandemic.
Praveen Kumar, runs a business, Tadbund crossroads; has set up 15-ft PoP idol
We meet the ACP and then set up the pandal. Permission was given for the PoP idol. We don’t mind setting up eco-friendly idols but we weren't informed earlier. I don’t think people will be happy with online darshan.
Ujwal Jain, Prateek Jain, Pratyush Jain, Harshad Patel who running their own business; have set up 17-20 ft PoP idol.
We are shocked, we did not know about this decision. Why is the High Court issuing orders so late? Talking about online prayers not many people are educated and aware of Zoom. Having a silent celebration is impossible.
Anil Kumar, who runs a business, and Sai Prateek, a student, Wahabnagar; have set up 8 ft PoP idol.
The High Court judgment upholds our respect for the panchabhutas and is a ready reckoner for the community to celebrate a mindful puja. We are learning to celebrate like our grandparents, by being sensitive. Most of us have shifted to doing puja to our clay or haldi Ganapati.
Deepa Shailendra, go-green enthusiast and writer
Twin cities are becoming famous for disappearing lakes and it is high time this has to stop. I have always been against PoP idols and they being immersed in any water bodies. We must shift completely to green and eco-friendly idols.
V.B. Shanker, past president of Federation of Telangana Small Industries Association