Performance enhancers pose grave threat

These drugs are making way into dietary supplements and are not even labelled.

Update: 2018-01-10 19:54 GMT
According to drug control officials, these drugs are largely used by men who want to have sculpted bodies.

Hyderabad: Forty-one per cent of performance-enhancing drugs contain active chemicals of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) while more than 52 per cent of those sold on the internet do not have these chemicals.

SARMs are a class of synthetic drugs that boost the libido and enhance performance in sports, athletics, and body-building competitions. 

These drugs are widely ordered online according to a study carried out by JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). 

SARMs are different from steroids as they are designed in such a fashion that they stick to the receptors of muscle and bone cell and allow the body to complete certain tasks. But they are not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for commercial use. 

According to a senior drug inspector in Hyderabad, “These drugs are sold online only and most of them come from Dark Net contacts. So it is very difficult to trace and identify. Those who use it are doing so to boost their energy levels after a stressful day.”

According to drug control officials, these drugs are largely used by men who want to have sculpted bodies. But a key worry is that these chemicals are making their way into dietary supplements and are not even labelled. 

A senior drug officer explains: “We find these drugs in dietary supplements when random laboratory tests are carried out on the products. Supplements that move excessively fast in the market raise suspicion, especially if they are taken by a good number of young men. 

With every gym instructor selling these products in the city, there is definitely a movement in the market and young people must be careful.”

SARMs listed products are ostarine, andarine, RA140, ibutamoren, GW501516 and SR9009. 

Dr Anil Kumar, sports specialist, says that SARMs should not be taken by sports people as the taker can be hauled in on a doping charge. 

“The USFDA has not approved these drugs for sports but it is of use in the medical fraternity for treating bone problems. Those who use these performance drugs for a short period of time are found to suffer from vision problems, and baldness and females suffer from change in their voice to that of a man. 

Long term use in animal models has shown cancer growth in the body. Long term use in men alters the testosterone levels in the body.”

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