Green sop used to spread awareness in Telangana
The environmental compensation will be used for creating awareness among the general public on environmental issues.
Hyderabad: The Telangana state government has imposed a ban on short-life Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and chlorinated plastics in the state.
For ban on burning of waste in open spaces, the concerned Urban Local Body / Gram Panchayat is the competent authority for levying the environmental compensation.
The TS Pollution Control Board is the competent authority for levying the environmental compensation for open waste burning done by Urban Local Bodies/Gram Panchayats.
The environmental compensation will be used for creating awareness among the general public on environmental issues and open burning of waste.
The local authorities and village panchayats will have to establish waste to energy processes, including Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) to supply to thermal power plants and cement plants. Power generation plants and cement plants in TS will have to buy and use Refuse Derived Fuel in their operations wherever an RDF plant is located within 100 km of their plant.
If there is no RDF plant within 100 km radius, the concerned Urban Local Bodies or Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) plant shall bear the cost for transporting RDF to the nearby thermal and cement plants. These orders come into force with immediate effect.