Kerala HC ban on flex a respite for local bodies

Clearing poll campaign materials has always been a major challenge for civic bodies.;

Update: 2019-03-13 00:27 GMT

Kochi: The High Court order banning use of flex boards for election campaign came as a big relief for local bodies which have been struggling to remove flex boards and unauthorised display materials.

In the wake of the High Court order on flex boards and the district collectors' instruction, it will be a 'clean and green' poll campaign this time. Unlike previous elections, displaying election campaign materials within the city limits will not be an easy task for political parties this time.

"Prior permission of the local body is mandatory for erecting bill boards and posters, even in private individual's plots. The Corporation has given details of the unauthorised billboards and displaying publicity materials in the city, which are yet to be removed by political parties," said Shainy Mathew, Kochi Corporation town planning committee chairperson.

Though the High Court had earlier banned use of flex boards, many areas are still dotted with illegal boards and it is a tough task for civic bodies to remove them.

Clearing the hundreds of election campaign materials, especially the flex boards which pose serious threat to environment, has always been a major challenge for civic bodies. Though the corporations often conducts special drive to clear the campaign materials after the elections, it is not possible for panchayats.

Ernakulam district collector Muhammad Y Safirulla said that election will be conducted in the district as per green protocol.

 Campaign, voting and counting will be in compliance with the protocol.

Meanwhile, the Kochi Metro Rail Limited has issued strict warning against sticking bill boards on Metro pillars, walls of Metro stations and other properties of Kochi Metro. Though sticking posters on Metro properties is a punishable offence, miscreants have defaced few Metro pillars with posters and stickers.

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