Eye care should be from infancy: Doctor
A child's vision is constantly changing due to the growth of the eyeball.
Bengaluru: “Eye care in the children should begin early during infancy,” said Dr Vidhya, Pediatric Ophthalmologist from Sankara Eye Hospital.
A child’s vision is constantly changing due to the growth of the eyeball. At two months of age, if a child is not looking at and smiling at the parents, then the child should be taken to the pediatric ophthalmologists.
Early intervention helps in effective treatment and regaining of vision. Explaining the possible symptoms for vision problems in children, Dr Vidhya said that watching television from a close distance, making a lot of spelling mistakes, trouble seeing information on the chalkboard are some signs that should be watched out for. It’s now common for school-age children to use a computer or digital device for long hours. This increased exposure puts them at greater risk for Computer Vision Syndrome, or CVS which is a serious condition that can cause back and neck pain, dry eyes, and even headaches.
“More outdoor activities need to be encouraged in children, as studies have proved that it reduces the refractive error in children,” Dr Vidhya added.