Chennai: CSI school for deaf nurtures greens

With wide eyes and bright smiles, a group of school students kept grilling the architecture students in sign language.

Update: 2017-08-15 20:39 GMT
Students of Sathyabama College working on the project to create a park at CSI school for the deaf. (Photo: DC)

Chennai: A creative idea by architecture students of Sathyabama College has made CSI School for the Deaf, a socially inclusive place. 

A team of five architecture students remodelled an abandoned spot at the school into a park and a small farm in an economical way. The initiative has suddenly changed the environment of this calm 105-year-old school located at Santhome High Road, as enthusiastic people and parents drop in to have a glimpse of the farm. 

With wide eyes and bright smiles, a group of school students kept grilling the architecture students in sign language. Their happiness was accentuated after learning the fact that they would be the custodians of the little farm.

“The students are super excited. After understanding that it is going to be theirs, they started involving in the project. We are sure that they would maintain it well,” said N. Reshmi, an architecture student, working on the project.

‘Community with a cause’, as named by the architecture students would soon see visitors who can take the vegetables for free from the school. The idea is to help kids come out of the isolation. Explaining it, the school’s Principal, N James Albert said, “Public who would come here to get the veggies would interact with the students, helping the kids overcome the fears in communication. This will also sensitise them on farming.”

What makes the project ‘special’ is the fact that it is completed with a low budget of Rs 60,000. Discarded pavement blocks, collapsed trees and rusted gates – these were few materials used to create the park-like structure in a 100 sq metre area.

“We have used granite stones for the boundaries. The bark of the trees which collapsed during Cyclone Vardah has been cut to make the seating facility,” said M Vetriselvan, another student.  A circular roof that prevents the sunlight on all sides, but partially lets it out on the plantation portrays the thoughtfulness of the college students.

While the project came to an end on Monday evening, the school resembles a fair with people enjoying the sight of the transformation. The kids, who sowed the seeds along with the architecture students, extended their social commitment by nurturing them, probably wondering when it would produce the yield. Well, the school would soon distribute brinjal, tomatoes, chillies and ladies finger. 

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