Osmania General Hospital drive for new building to continue
JAC incharge Dr P Naik said, The old building has to be restored and repaired.;
Hyderabad: The signature campaign continues in Osmania General Hospital despite assurances from the government as the joint action committee states that it is important to have the action plan at hand for the new building.
The joint action committee (JAC) has once again taken an assessment of the old building where the ground floor and the first floor were operational but they wanted to know whether they had to continue during the coming rainy season in the same building.
JAC incharge Dr P Naik said, “The old building has to be restored and repaired. The structure is not fit for use but there is no alternative. Once a road map is set in place, we will have clarity and the first option would be to vacate this building and shift all the departments.”
Health minister Dr Laxma Reddy promised the members of the JAC that he would present a concrete plan to them on April 21 whereby they could undertake the works in phases.
The JAC is waiting for the plan, but till then they will continue with their signature campaign and continue to bring pressure on the government to fulfill their demand for a new building.