Rs 10 crore! Boost for brand Mysuru

Heritage City to have its own logo, tagline & better amenities.

By :  shilpa p
Update: 2018-01-19 21:51 GMT
The iconic Mysuru Palace

Mysuru: Things are looking up for the city of palaces. Not only are the Mysuru Palace and other places of tourism interest here set to get better amenities  under a Rs 10 crore plan, but Mysuru itself will have its own  logo and tagline, as the district administration  works to promote "Brand Mysuru" and give it more international visibility.

Mysuru Deputy Commissioner, D Randeep,who held a meeting to take the plan forward recently, revealed that the public would be invited to suggest logos and the tagline in an open competition and a committee headed by the district Minister would finalise both, which would become the intellectual property of the district administration.  

It's hoped that "Brand Mysuru" will not only draw more tourists to the city, but also investment.

People have been invited to post their concept note or tag line fir the city in 50 words either in English or Kannada  on the website and   send in their version of a logo on The winning logo and tagline will fetch their designer a prize of Rs 25,000 each, according to tourism deputy director, Janardhan. "The concept note or tag line  should encompass Mysuru's core values, characteristics, aspirations and truest distinctions.  It should be an idea that can surprise, inspire, and distinguish it for years to come," he explains. 

Meanwhile, the Mysuru  administration has come up with a plan to improve basic amenities at major tourism destinations like the Mysuru Palace and provide water sports at Varuna lake. Also, the Karnataka Exhibition Authority is ready with a plan to establish a tourism centre at a cost of Rs 80 crore and the Mysuru Zoo is planning to build an underpass to connect it to the parking area for visitors, going by  Mr Randeep.

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